Monday, November 15, 2010

A few more pictures.

So since I decided to make a blog for my photography I have a friend who wants their family pictures done and a member of my family asked if I would take their pictures! I am so excited. I am researching the best ways to take these photos and looking in to buying a new camera! I have a few options and I am looking forward to making the decision.

I found a few pictures I wanted to post so here they are.

Just a quick shot of my Brother and his new wife.


Our beautiful flowers on my jean jacket.

Just some flowers from the farm.

Those are just a few more of the pictures I have taken. Hope you enjoy them!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Time To Be More Than A Hobby

Photography has been a part of my life for about as long as I can remember. It seems like my Mom had a camera with her every place we went and we have the photo albums to prove it! I have always had a love for pictures. When I was finally lucky enough to get a camera of my own I knew it was something I would love to do forever. I guess I can classify myself as a hobby photographer. mostly I take pictures of landscapes and things I think look pretty. Recently tho I have been feeling like I would like to get in to this as more than just a hobby. Now is that time! I am learning new things about my camera, looking to upgrade to a new more "high tech" one, and now it is to the point I am asking family and friends if they would let me take their family's pictures. Oh my poor family!!

On Tuesday I went to a very close friends house after I begged or told them I was coming to take pictures of their family. We had planned to go to one of our local parks to take the pictures but as another Saskatchewan winter rolls in the weather has a mind of it's own. Our outdoor pictures turned in to indoor pictures. I had so much fun with Darin, Donna, Lauren and Ella! They were up for anything I asked and the girls even had a few photo ideas of their own! I hope you enjoy looking at what I have put together and hope you follow on my journey of making more than a hobby out of this!

And now just a few landscapes just because I think they are pretty!

I would love to hear feedback from you!